The patchy, sun-scorned earth gives way to luscious green when the rains fall. Long summer nights end with falling leaves.

That is The God of all creation saying:

Let go of the pain. Forget that loss. That broken relationship that went with your confidence. I see you. Even when it feels like you are wearing a blindfold and running. I got you. Hold on just a little while longer; hibernate if you have to. Like those little birds on Discovery Channel, hold on tight till the storm subsides. Let the healing rain wash away your tears.

Don’t lose me in your wilderness. Don’t drown and deny me in your sorrow.

Touch the leaves on the ground. Smell the healing rain. I am doing a new thing, shall you not see it?

And the question remains, will you trust me in the now?

May be an image of 1 person, grass and road