As a young man seeking truth, I had far more questions than there were answers. I was not content with going with the flow: Finish school, get a job, marry my college sweetheart, get kids, pay the bills and then die. No, I was not going to get short-changed; there is more to life than just coming and going. Only trains do that. So, I pored over dozens of books on life, philosophy and religion. I read the Koran cover to cover. I experimented with Eastern mysticism. My heart yearned for far more than I was getting. Then out of desperation, I went back to the familiar. I read the Bible cover to cover. And then some. And again. I’ve read the Bible, in depth, over 8 times and am not about to stop. What is it in this book that keeps me coming back? No, it’s not a religious manual on good behavior. Far from it. Some of its pages are X rated. It’s a modern-day thriller. Some of the characters in this book would certainly call Guantanamo and The Hague home. The other half would be our shady politicians, neighborhood gossips, town drunks and sluts. And that cantankerous relative who best opines you should always be at her beck and call. In it are stories of intrigue, gruesome murders and unimaginable wickedness. It’s the story of humanity at its worst. And yet also, in it’s pages it holds the hope of humanity. A restoration of what was lost. Nirvana. All that our hearts could ever yearn for. All that the world, in all its splendor, could never afford us. It offers the culmination of all that we will ever hope for or even imagine. It is the story of Love and Relationship. A love that rescued me and will not let me go. A love that rejoices over me from Can-see to Can’t-see (and in-between) daily. And the personification of this love? Jesus. And His Spirit who lives in me.