Without sounding too presumptuous (or a smarty-pants for that matter), I think I now understand why most government workers (and folks who work for big corporations) are very low on delivery. And why even the brightest of my friends who join government quickly become dodos. No, I will not mention them here. They know themselves. In fact, every time I call one of them, he quickly goes, “Ah Zik, my brother! Am in a small meeting.” Small meeting alright. He invariably never calls back. Because they are always hopping from meeting to meeting (and having workshops in-between), they have no time to implement what they discuss and learn. So effectively, the meetings and workshops become the work they do. And with that comes a reputation for arrogance and pomposity. It’s an unwritten rule that folks who spend their days behind closed doors are very, very important people. It’s akin to a fisherman going from one motivational talk to another for inspiration while all the while his boat and nets get eaten by termites at the lakeshore. Selah.