1. In a world of changing values and priorities, I have to make a conscious choice to believe what I know is true. True North has always been True North and is still True North.

2. Am a ransomed but marked man, with a price on my head. There’s a shifting bullseye lurking in the shadows, and poisonous darts flying in my direction. A battle rages. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

3. Time is not given, it’s bought. Time can be lost but equally redeemed. Time is not a commodity to be reserved or hoarded. Time can never be recalled. Every dawn brings with it the opportunity to productively employ time.

4. One way or the other, interruptions in my daily schedule are almost often divine. If that were not true, Kingdom agenda would be back-burnered on most days.

5. Am not God. Am not Assistant Holy Spirit. And for the life of me am not even Clarence, Frank Capra’s wingless angel! Sometimes the most spiritual thing to do is to let it drop, and take a long nap.

6. A true love story never ends. 4 years of courtship and 13 years of marriage seem like only yesterday. And the thought of spending the twilight years with the one am growing old with actually turns my heart light on.

7. An hour spent playing Go-Fish and Stuck-in-the-Mud with my little girls is almost always more rewarding than the relentless pursuit for the comforts life offers.

8. Everybody needs Jesus. And in the grand scheme of things, a minute spent talking about eternity is a better investment (with a much higher return) than an hour talking shop.

8.5 Am soon to be 38. If the 70 years of a “normal” lifespan were squeezed into a single day, it would be round about 1pm in the early afternoon of my life. Am now closer to Sundown than First Light. And I must glance at the clock every so often.