
Joy in the Journey

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He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals His thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth – The Lord God Almighty is His name (The Prophet Amos… Continue Reading →

WISDOM is the principle thing, said the wisest man that ever lived. He’d know that first hand. Given a choice between wealth and wisdom, he chose the latter. He was given both. And went on to become the wealthiest man… Continue Reading →

PROBLEM OR OPPORTUNITY?77 years ago today, the world’s second deployed atomic bomb was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki, three short days after the first one wiped out ninety percent of Hiroshima. These twin bombings are the only acknowledged… Continue Reading →

DEAR CHRISTIAN: True, you will end up in heaven but have you considered that, when all is said and done (and the book is called up), your life on earth could easily be summed up in one word – WASTED?… Continue Reading →

DEAR PASTOR: God is in the business of filling yearning hearts, not man-made brick and mortar temples. Like Jesus did when he twice cleansed the temple, many churches today are in dire need of emptying so they can go back… Continue Reading →

TRUST. It’s the Mountain Guide telling me to take the longer route when I was dog-tired, and night was falling fast. He knew that the pain of adding three hours to the climb cannot compare to the risk of falling… Continue Reading →

After a week of running in the rain (and what seemed like sub-zero temperatures in Nairobi), Mr Sun is finally peeping out, and we are out in the garden trying to catch some warmth before he changes his mind (like… Continue Reading →

STARTING OUT IN BUSINESS? 9.5 WAYS TO GROW QUICKLY:(…Continued from yesterday)6. When you have 5 people on your team, titles mean little. Very little. You are all in the trenches.After I left the corporate world in 2005 and embarked on… Continue Reading →

If you dread Mondays then you probably aren’t doing what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. Selah (think about it).

On his deathbed on this day in 337 AD, Constantine the Great, the Roman Emperor, became the first Roman emperor to undergo the Christian ritual of Baptism.And of what significance is that, you ask?To answer that question, I would have… Continue Reading →

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