There are 955 streets in the US (and another 50 or so in the rest of the world) named after the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., and only three people have a US national holiday observed in their honor: Christopher… Continue Reading →
51 odd years ago today, man set foot on the moon. It’s humbling to think that the smart phone am typing on has more computing power than all of NASA in 1969. We are without excuse!A LITTLE TRIVIA: Did you… Continue Reading →
THE POWER OF VISION: This here was my favorite toy as a child, the precursor of the now trending View-Master Virtual Reality Viewer. It’s 41 years old. I was reunited with it many years ago, rummaging through drawers as I… Continue Reading →
The coronavirus kills people. Slow governments kill businesses and livelihoods. Even before global management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company warned that Kenya’s economy was bound to shrink by 5 percent – if the pandemic wasn’t contained (in what would represent… Continue Reading →
There’s a little nugget tucked away in the Pentateuch – the first five books of the Bible authored by Moses. The eighth chapter of the book of Genesis proclaims this wisdom. “For as long as the earth endures, seedtime and… Continue Reading →
Life has an uncanny way of serving up exactly what we proclaim. Over the holidays, I was going through an old trunk with my paraphernalia from yesteryears; I carried it home from my father’s house just before he passed. Besides… Continue Reading →
The Book of the Prophet Ezra, Chapter 3: While the younger people shouted for joy when they saw the foundation of the new temple (Zerubbabel’s temple – in 536 BC), MANY OF THE ELDERS who had seen the former temple… Continue Reading →
I had a eureka (almost surreal) moment a while ago, making lunch for the family. Growing up, it used to baffle me over that my dad, after a busy work week, on his rest day, would give both the chef… Continue Reading →
RUBLE TROUBLE: For our family devotion, we have been studying (over the last 6 weeks) the book of Nehemiah, the 3000 year-old story of a lowly servant who persuaded the king of Persia to let God’s people return after 70… Continue Reading →
When I was at Makerere University 25 years ago, Sunday nights was fellowship time. I can’t remember a single Sunday I stayed back in my dorm room. We gathered at St Francis Chapel – that little church that holds precious… Continue Reading →
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