It was good to be an African last week. It is not every day that we get to forgot all our troubles (and throw all worries to the four winds) for the length of all 7 days! It was good… Continue Reading →
When Ugandan Kiprotich won gold at the 2012 London Olympics, I was happy as a lark. No. Euphoric! As deliriously ecstatic as a sandboy. I even changed my name to Kipzik. But when I walked out the door to celebrate,… Continue Reading →
At the end of dinner last night, as we were doing admin for today, I was reminded it was my turn to do #Sunday lunch. Without any due acknowledgement, I sidestepped the matter to say how I needed to compensate… Continue Reading →
The one metaphor that best describes Life? A JOURNEY. Am hard-pressed to think of any notables that God called and a journey didn’t follow. Abraham, our father of the Faith, trekked from the familiar, from Harran, and made his home… Continue Reading →
There’s a life nugget tucked away in the gospels that easily escapes the eye. And only Luke, the doctor, recorded it. Luke’s gospel has this uniqueness. In telling his story, he uses a scalpel, not a blunt axe; he catches… Continue Reading →
It’s back to School again. And that means: early homework and activity nights, organizing playdates and sleep-overs, sending chits to the class teacher (for this and that), and of course the inevitable library fines that come with territory (ouch!). And… Continue Reading →
THE THINGS WE TAKE FOR GRANTED: We’ve spent the last two days hiking and exploring the underground cities and caves (and living in one too!) of Cappadocia – on the periphery of the ancient Roman Empire. Modern-day Turkey is a… Continue Reading →
WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD: Many years ago I was traveling to Asia from Washington DC’s Dulles International Airport. It was a particularly rough (and busy) patch of my life. I was happily looking forward to several hours of being incommunicado… Continue Reading →
When I was growing up, my appetite for reading books was insatiable. I spent all my stipend buying books. Books and more books. But the money was never enough. So one day when I was browsing the bookstore shelves for… Continue Reading →
In one scene of The Adventures of Tintin (the beloved comics series), the thoroughly clueless, extremely clumsy and incompetent detective duo of Thomson and Thompson are in their jeep, in hot pursuit of a gang of good-for-nothing chaps. And then… Continue Reading →
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