So our Legislators are at it. AGAIN. Soldiers of Fortune. Hirelings. Phlebotomists. Gerrymanderers!

Where, along the trajectory of our history as a country did public service become self-service and a blatant destruction of the nation?

Are our representatives mirroring our society? Is the fellow who closes off a public road for his personal use any better? Is the relative who fraudulently transfers family land into his name any different?

And are we going to stand there and do nothing as the country is held hostage by a few hundred people?

There is a 400 year period in the life of the nation of Israel (the book of Judges) when there was a complete lack of leadership and it was said that “everyone did as they saw fit.” The rule of law was anything but present. During this time, God periodically raised military champions to fend off oppression but all too soon, the cycle led the people back to tyrannical rule. Sounds very familiar. Could we be in this place?

In “The Republic” (written in 380 BC), the Greek philosopher Plato argues that the people always have some champion whom they set over themselves and proceed to nurse into greatness. And that this, and no other, is the root from which a tyrant springs. Sounds familiar too. Wouldn’t you agree?